Senin, 18 Januari 2010

KBB #15, Mud Cake Cookies Sandwiches

Gak terasa udah ngerjain tantangan KBB lagi. Kali ini temanya Mud cake and cookies sandwiches. Serba coklat pokoknya. Cake coklat, cookies coklat sama ganache coklat. Soal rasa, jangan ditanya...di rumah gak ada yang doyan...hehehe. Whatttt??? Gak ada yang doyan??? Hahaha..pertama, kuenya manis banget. Kedua, kukisnya agak keras. Ketiga, jogrokannya gede banget. But overall, sebenernya kue ini enak, terutama untuk choco lovers, karena isinya coklat semua. Well, my families are not choco lovers, so can't blame them for not eating this cookie..hehehe. Akhirnya kukisnya dikirim ke tetangga yang emang doyan banget ama coklat dan kata dia...kukisnya uenak buanget...(tuh kan, semuanya emang tergantung selera..hehehe). Tapi emang bener loh, sebelum aku kasih ke tetanggaku, aku sisain 3 untuk aku, and it's true kalo kalo kukis ini jauuuuuuuhhhh lebih enak setelah disatukan jadi sandwich dengan cake dan ganache-nya. Jadi nyesel gak nyisain banyak...hihihi.
Owkeh, however ini resepnya ya, berikut foto step by step cara buatnya.

Mud Cake Cookies Sandwiches

Source: The AWW: Cupcakes, Cheesecakes, Cookies. 2008

Makes 24.

250g butter, softened

330g firmly packed brown sugar

2 eggs

450g plain flour

75g self-raising flour

50g cocoa powder

2 Tbs cocoa powder, extra

Beat butter, sugar and eggs in small bowl with electric mixer until combined. Transfer mixture to large bowl; stir in sifted flours and cocoa, in two batches. Knead dough on floured surface until smooth; divide in half, roll each portion between sheets of baking paper until 5mm thick. cover; refrigerate 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan-forced. Grease oven trays; line with baking paper. Using 6.5mm round cutter, cut 48 rounds from dough. Place about 3cm apart on oven trays. Bake about 12 minutes. Cool on wire racks.

step sehabis ini gak kefoto, seharusnya adonan dimasukan ke plastik dan di simpan di lemari es kurleb 30 menit. Baru dicetak seperti di bawah ini ya. Ring-nya pakai yang diameter 6 or 6,5 cm. Kalo mau lebih kecil juga bisa :)

Chocolate Mud Cake

150g butter, chopped

100g dark eating chocolate, chopped coarsely

220g caster sugar

125ml water

2 Tbs coffee liqueur

150 gr plain flour

2 tbs cocoa powder

2 egg yolks

Combine butter, chocolate, sugar the water and liqueur in small saucepan. Stir over low heat until smooth. Place mixture in medium bowl; cool 10 minutes. Whisk in sifted flour and cocoa, then egg yolks. Divide mixture among pans. Bake about 25 minutes. Cool cake in pans. Using 6.5cm round cutter, cut 12 rounds from each cake.

Chocolate Ganache:

80ml cream (whipping cream)
200 gr dark cooking chocolate.

Step by step membuat ganache gak aku foto karena gak sempet. Tapi udah pada bisa dong...tinggal panasin whipping cream, lalu masukan dcc yang udah dipotong kecil-kecil. Aduk rata dengan whisk sampai mengkilat. Simpan dikulkas sebentar supaya agak keras dan bisa dioleskan di cookies.


1. Spread ganache onto underside of cookies; sandwich a mud cake round between two cookies.
2. using heart template, dust cookies with extra cocoa.

Hohoho...dan ini logo lulusnya..Alhamdulillah, lulus tantangan ke dua.

2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

siiiiiiiip Rieska! well done!

Rieska Sonda mengatakan...

Makasih Mbak Arfi,
Jadi udah resmi dong jadi anggota KBB..hehehe.